SP&V Hand-Tied Bouquet


Our all-time most popular choice! SP&V hand-tied bouquet showcases a beautiful mix of seasonal and premium flowers, wrapped in white paper and finished with either our logo-printed ribbon or a colored ribbon. Colored wrapping paper is available upon request.

The selection of flowers is designer’s choice based on your choice of color palette. Flower varieties will vary depending on the season and market availability.

Each hand-tied bouquet is a bespoke creation thoughtfully designed for each recipient and their special occasion.

All orders are available for complimentary pick-up in Kirkland, and delivery is available for a fee. We recommend placing orders 1-2 weeks in advance or at least 3-4 days ahead.

To order our hand-tied bouquet, please email us at ellie@sweetpeaandvine.com.

[Sizing Info]

Splendid (Medium): Lush and the most popular size bouquet to celebrate any special occasion

Grand (Large): Luxurious and statement bouquet to surprise someone special. Imagine your loved one receive a hands-full sized bouquet on their special day!

Exquisite (X-Large): Exquisite, luxurious, and elegant statement bouquet to amaze someone special.

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Our all-time most popular choice! SP&V hand-tied bouquet showcases a beautiful mix of seasonal and premium flowers, wrapped in white paper and finished with either our logo-printed ribbon or a colored ribbon. Colored wrapping paper is available upon request.

The selection of flowers is designer’s choice based on your choice of color palette. Flower varieties will vary depending on the season and market availability.

Each hand-tied bouquet is a bespoke creation thoughtfully designed for each recipient and their special occasion.

All orders are available for complimentary pick-up in Kirkland, and delivery is available for a fee. We recommend placing orders 1-2 weeks in advance or at least 3-4 days ahead.

To order our hand-tied bouquet, please email us at ellie@sweetpeaandvine.com.

[Sizing Info]

Splendid (Medium): Lush and the most popular size bouquet to celebrate any special occasion

Grand (Large): Luxurious and statement bouquet to surprise someone special. Imagine your loved one receive a hands-full sized bouquet on their special day!

Exquisite (X-Large): Exquisite, luxurious, and elegant statement bouquet to amaze someone special.

Our all-time most popular choice! SP&V hand-tied bouquet showcases a beautiful mix of seasonal and premium flowers, wrapped in white paper and finished with either our logo-printed ribbon or a colored ribbon. Colored wrapping paper is available upon request.

The selection of flowers is designer’s choice based on your choice of color palette. Flower varieties will vary depending on the season and market availability.

Each hand-tied bouquet is a bespoke creation thoughtfully designed for each recipient and their special occasion.

All orders are available for complimentary pick-up in Kirkland, and delivery is available for a fee. We recommend placing orders 1-2 weeks in advance or at least 3-4 days ahead.

To order our hand-tied bouquet, please email us at ellie@sweetpeaandvine.com.

[Sizing Info]

Splendid (Medium): Lush and the most popular size bouquet to celebrate any special occasion

Grand (Large): Luxurious and statement bouquet to surprise someone special. Imagine your loved one receive a hands-full sized bouquet on their special day!

Exquisite (X-Large): Exquisite, luxurious, and elegant statement bouquet to amaze someone special.

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